
年度大型汽車主題活動 香港國際汽車博覽 (IMXpo) 2023將於 12 月強勢回歸

The first-ever International MotorXpo Hong Kong (2021 IMXHK) was an overwhelming success, drawing in over 160,000 visits, 160+ exhibitors, and 60+ brands and 150+ vehicles. Riding on last year’s success, IMXHK 2022 will continue to promote automotive culture, education, and electronic sports car racing. Offering a breath of fresh air to exhibition-goers while giving automakers a chance to connect with consumers and boost their reputations. Many different companies from all over the world will come together in Hong Kong to celebrate the development of the automotive industry by attending the event that is specifically dedicated to the sector.

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促進業界交流 提升本地汽車業國際地位

The first-ever International MotorXpo Hong Kong (2021 IMXHK) was an overwhelming success, drawing in over 160,000 visits, 160+ exhibitors, and 60+ brands and 150+ vehicles. Riding on last year’s success, IMXHK 2022 will continue to promote automotive culture, education, and electronic sports car racing. Offering a breath of fresh air to exhibition-goers while giving automakers a chance to connect with consumers and boost their reputations. Many different companies from all over the world will come together in Hong Kong to celebrate the development of the automotive industry by attending the event that is specifically dedicated to the sector.

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【必看懶人包!大型汽車主題盛事】 香港國際汽車博覽(IMXHK)2022 載譽歸來 首創兩地一展 經典汽車文化與科技 發掘未來出行新機遇

首屆香港國際汽車博覽(IMXHK 2021)於去年成功舉辦,吸引超過 60個品牌、150 多輛汽車齊聚一堂,更吸引逾 16 萬人次到場參與,場面熱鬧。今年,香港國際汽車博覽(IMXHK 2022)將再接再厲,在去年成功的基礎上,進一步關注並推廣汽車文化、科技及電競賽車運動等話題,為參觀人士帶來嶄新展覽體驗,同時亦為汽車品牌提供接觸客戶及提升品牌形象的良機。國際品牌雲集共同在香港見證汽車業新進程,再次為香港帶來一個大型汽車主題盛事。

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